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Wednesday, 23 September 2009

video tutorial blog

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Hidden File in File

File kalau sifatnya membantu dan tidak melanggar norma asusila, pasti banyak orang selalu men-sharingkannya. Bagaimana kalau anda punya file yang sifatnya pribadi? atau anda pengkoleksi film bokep?
Anda tidak ingin bila anak anda melihat film tersebut atau bahkan anda ingin supaya tidak ada orang lain yang tahu?
Berikut sedikit trik bagaimana anda menyembunyikan file [secret] ke dalam sebuah file:
1. Kumpulkan file yang hendak anda sembunyikan dalam satu folder dan kompres folder tersebut, entah itu anda menggunakan .zip ataupun .rar
2. Ambil sebuah file berformat bebas apa saja, baik itu gambar [.jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp dll], file text atau file-file yang tidak mencurigakan, seperti foto anda, atau ketikan anda [.doc] kecuali file-file musik.
3. kumpulkan kedua file dalam satu directory, dalam kasus ini saya gunakan file-file : fotosaya.jpg,, dan saya taruh di drive C
4. Buka command promp, ketikan seperti berikut :
C:\>copy /b inihasilnya.jpg
Bila benar akan muncul :
1 file (s) copied
5. Hasil penggabungan itu adalah inihasilnya.jpg
Anda tidak akan menemukan perbedaan antara fotosaya.jpg dengan inihasilnya.jpg kecuali hanya ukuran file saja yang lebih besar, hal ini karena file secret sudah anda masukkan ke dalam file inihasilnya.jpg.
Untuk membuka file rahasia ini anda cukup klik kanan file inihasilnya.jpg, open with winrar ataupun winzip dan anda akan dapat melihat file secretnya
Note : Format file hasil penggabungan harus sama dengan file yang digunakan untuk menyembunyikan file secret tersebut.

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Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Tutorial Short Make Cable Lan

Bbefore we begin beforehand we study explanation and use lan. lan a connection local that make possible us use collectiv sebagaian or entire wares computer in area.
utp, abbreviation from “unshielded twisted pair" . called unshielded because less hold back towards interferensi electromagnetic. and called twisted pair the exercise in it found cable pair that composed spiral alias mutual berlilitan. there 5 cable categories utp. from category 1 until category 5. for famous computer network category 3 and category 5.

category 3 can for data transmission until 10 mbps, category 5 until 100 mbps. well klo only make example makes computer network at office ato campus ato warnet, most ngirit yes pake category 3. udah more than enough.

setau i am there many brands that go around at market, only stubborn famous and cheap relative brand belden - made in usa. per the meter revolves from rp. 1500 - 2000, - if want to fall cheap and pake many buy aja one box, length around 150meteran. don't forget to buy konektor. konektor tuh its for like colo only bigger telephone. say aja mo buy konektor rj-45. the price klo ngecer around rp. 2500, - denunciated

photo rj45 - konektor for cable utp

photo rj - 45 that still new, not yet at gencet pake pliers

crimp tool one again of vital importance, you kudu has special pliers makes masang konektor to cable utp, the impressive term “crimp tool" . this is tool the to it make ‘ngematiin’ ato ‘nanem’ ato what that the term konektor to cable utp. so once udah at ‘tang’ udah ga can be removed again that konektor. the price really rather expensive membanding pliers usually. deliver rp. 75rb - 150rb. and klo mo more ok, let ga nanggung add money again around 125rban make to buy lan tester. buy it brand from taiwan aja. cheaper. its for tuh like box, and there lamp led 8 pair, can watertight wink.

ok now device udah ready, i begin aja. in general cable installing utp there 2 types, type straight and type cross. called type straight the exercise masing masing cable the total 8 that berkorespondensi 1, direct. while called cross the exercise there crossing in the cable composition. confused?

ok! for type straight that used to make nyambungin from client to hub. while for type cross to client direct to client (cpu to cpu) ato from hub to hub.

we study formerly type straight
sequence pin type straighttipe this easiest is made. why? the correspondence direct the exercise 1. standard sequence it sih like this (seen from bolongan konektor, from left to right - see photo beside)s: 2 orange - 1 ijo - 2 blue - 1 ijo - 2 brown. 2 orange here pair the purpose orange young same orange old, and so on. but ga take care to come along standard that coloration also actually not problem. important sequence the cable. end example here sequence pin the first orange young, so other end sequence ping the first also must orange young. so to deliver end mutual nyambung. actually not all pin used. important pin number 1,2,3 and 6. so example that banded only pin 1,2,3 and 6 while pin other is not installed, doesn't so exercise. make detail try to see photo under, i am photo from a book (tries to quess! can ga, what hayuooo book? : d)

straight tru and cross pin
left sequence correspondence makes type straigh, right cross

well time mo pair you truncate the cable, trus compile the cable trus ratain pake piso cut exist in crimp tool. you ga necessary busy busy must ngelepasin isolation in cable end part, your time the exercise is masukin that is cable to konektor trus at gencet pake crimp tool, actually moment that is pin exist in konektor nembus mpe dalem cable. look at, so that gencet hard. the exercise klo ga hard sometimes that is pin ga penetrated into the cable isolation. kalo udah trus you are test pake lan tester. masukin cable end end to the tool, trus nyalain, klo lamp led at lan tester flame all, from number 1 mpe 8 mean you are successful. klo there one other ga flame means possibility in pin number there problem. easiest manner that is you gencet again pake pliers. possibility pin not yet penetrated. kalo udah you gencet kok still ga nyambung, try to investigate the correspondence delivers pin udah 1 blon. klo obvious udah bener and still to fail, is meaning really you today unlucky. . kesian deh. . hehe. . come again aja. . okay!

lan tester
lan tester - tool makes ngecek the cable nyambung bener ato ga. for type straight klo bener ntar from led 1 mpe 8 blink.

next photo from under from cable end utp udah mempasangi konektor and success well (sequence coloration pin come along standard):

example konektor rj45 udah installed at cable utp and success well
sequence pin standard

and klo this is ga standard, try perhatiin sequence colour pinnya… ga standard so. but tetep aja can, important the correspondence one one (special type straight):

example konektor rj45 udah installed at cable utp and success well - not standard
sequence pin not standard

now type cross
for type cross that is mempake make nyabungin direct deliver 2 pc, ato usually make nyambungin deliver hub. (example because colo at hub less). manner pair it also actually easy. same like type straight, pin mempake also actually only 4 pin aja, pin 1-2-3 and 6. well difference fit pair it. klo at type cross, pin 1 nyambung to pin 3 other ends. pin 2 to 6, pin 3 to 1 and pin 6 to 2. detail try deh tough “gambar 5? . the practise gini, at your first end compiles pin appropriate standard make type “straight” well at end laen you compile pin appropriate standard make type “cross" .

still confused? gini deh the easy:
first end:
1: orange young
2: orange old
3: ijo young
4: light blue
5: dark blue
6: ijo old
7: butbrown
8: deep brown

so mengujung other must like this:
1: ijo young
2: ijo old
3: orange young
4: light blue
5: dark blue
6: orange old
7: butbrown
8: deep brown

rather ngerti kan? so here number position 1,2,3 ma 6 menuker. . well ntar klo fit at test pake lan tester ntar led 1,2,3, ma 6 mutual swop. klo type straight kan the flame sequence, well klo type cross there that jump to jump. but definitive kudu flame all every led from number 1 mpe 8.

ok deh congratulation make network. good you can success time pair konektor at the cable. . hehe. . moga this science is useful makes you, my in the former fume the exercise is first makes funny network so deh, make ngupas my the cable stills pake cutter, while kan udah there tuh at crimp tool. udah gitu the end end every my cable peels of again pake cutter. while right ga take care at peel atu atu, let it be aja flat, the exercise ntar fit at ‘crimp tool’ kan that is pin masing masing penetrated to dalem the cable. . stupid deh formerly. . moga you ga do matter same like formerly

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Saturday, 6 December 2008

Service Computer at Home and office

Bermodal Ilmu dan pengalaman yang kami punya di bidang Komputer dan didukung SDM yang handal kami dari CV. Nabila Computer Sigli Menawarkan Jasa Perbaikan Komputer baik Bult Up maupun Rakitan lama masa service tergantung kerusakan

Kami Menawarkan 3 jenis Layanan Service
1. Service Berskala artinya
kami menawarkan Layanan service bulanan, layanan ini khusus untuk kantor/departement pemerintah maupun lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) proses pengerjaan kami lakukan di tempat kalau kerusakan bisa langsung di atasi, bila kerusakan memerlukan waktu perbaikan lama dan tidak bisa ditangani di tempat kami bawa ke workshop kami dan akan di antar ke tempat kalau sudah selesai, harga untuk jasa ini sesuai dengan perjanjian (kontrak Kerja) diluar kerusakan Spartpart (ganti perangkat yang rusak)

2. Layanan Service Home & Office
Service tidak terikat, layanan ini artinya kami akan datang ke tempat costumer, baik kantor maupun rumah, pengerjaan kami lakukan langsung di tempat costumer dan jika tidak bisa diatasi atau kerusakan berat kami bawa ke workshop kami untuk di perbaiki, selesai kami antar/kirim kembali ke kostumer harga untk layanan ini Rp.150.000 tidak termasuk ganti spertpart

3. In Workshop Service artinya costumer mendatangi workshop kami dan proses pengerjaannya di tempat kami biaya untuk jasa ini Rp. 100.000

adapun kerusakan yang kami tangani meliputi :
- Trouble Shooting (Hang/Mati,Error System)
- Virus Cleaner (Spyware,adware,virus removal service)
- Recovery Data (back Up, Restore data)
- Upgrade System
- Instalasi/Rakit (baru)

Masa Garansi
Garansi untuk semua layanan adalah 1 bulan untuk kerusakan yang sama

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Thursday, 27 November 2008

Dell Luncurkan Versi terbarunya

dell luncurkan notebook terbarunya dengan fasilitas dan model yang sangat bagus
Dell VOSTRO 1310 dengan perpaduan ketangguhan notebook 14" dengan mobilitas notebook 12"
Dell Vestro 1310 yang lebih mungil dan ringan beratnya hanya 1,8 Kg dengan ukuran layar 13,3 Inc dan memiliki resolusi layar 1280 x 800 sehingga mampu membawa ketajaman dan efektifitas keleluasaanpandangan

Spesifikasi dari VOSTRO 1320 Dell
- Pentium Core 2 Duo 1,8 GHz
- Memory 1 GB
- WiFi
- 4 Slot USB
- Internal Card Raider
- Touchscren Panel

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Assistant Medical

Being a medical assistant is one of the most wanted jobs recently. Many people, especially women want and like working as a medical assistant. They have different reason why they want to jump into this job. Some people want to work in this field because they love the health care field, look for a career after graduating for school, want to help other people and many else.

This working field also becomes one of the high demands job and every years many hospital need a lot of medical assistants. This situation makes many companies offer medical assistant schools and one of them is Medassistant is a great online medical school which helps the people or their customers to get their goals to become a medical assistant. Many specialties you will get when studying here; as soon as you graduate, you will get a certificate which you can use to improve your career opportunity, faster promotion and higher income.

Besides that you don’t have to come to the class because all learning process held through e-learning. You can study at your own pace and convenience. They offer 24 hour and 7 days a week which mean that if you are busy, you can study any time. Many people think that being medical assistants are very rewarding career, so it is your time to have that rewarding job. For more info, don’t hesitate to visit the website.

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Friday, 31 October 2008

Google Chrome beta due in days

Google will soon begin distributing a third beta version of its Chrome Web browser, a release that takes on bugs, performance, and security weaknesses.

"You will automatically get updated in the next few days," Chrome program manager Mark Larson said in a mailing list post Wednesday night announcing the new version. People can check if a new version is available by clicking the wrench menu and selecting "About Google Chrome."

On the security front, Google Chrome version stomps a security problem in which a site--if it convinces a user to open a pop-up window--could show a different Web address than the one that actually supplied the information.

"This flaw could be used to mislead people about the origin of a Web site in order to get them to divulge sensitive information," Larson said.

Found in the new beta: better performance and reliability for plug-ins such as Flash and Silverlight; support for scrolling with a touchpad; and better performance and reliability for people who browse the Web through a proxy intermediary. More details are expected to become available in the Chrome release notes page, though at present that page hasn't been updated.

Also, although Google aggressively promotes search technology to make people's lives more convenient, the company concluded it's not a good idea to index the contents of Web pages that were accessed over a secure connection. "You can still search your history for the site's address, but not the contents on the page," Google said in a Chrome release notes blog post Wednesday.

Other changes:

• The spell-checker underlines misspelled words in text-input boxes now, and users can right-click words to add them to a dictionary.

• Google, with some outside help, tidied up the process for launching regular and incognito windows, moving the option from the "control the current page" menu to the "control Chrome" among other changes.

• When users download executable programs, such as those ending with .exe or .dll extensions, Chrome now gives them dummy filenames until users confirm they really want to download the files. Unconfirmed downloads are deleted when Chrome exits.

Google released the first Chrome beta in early September and quickly followed up with a second release to fix serious security problems.

Google also offers a faster moving but less-well-tested developer release of Chrome. The newest beta version is the same as the most recent developer version except for one new feature: translation of text such as dialog boxes and menu commands into 42 languages.

I've been testing the Chrome developer releases, and one thing Google didn't mention in its release notes is better JavaScript performance over the earlier Chrome releases. Fast JavaScript is a key part of Google's ambition to use Chrome to spur faster Web application development.

Chrome is an open-source project, and Google maintains a Chrome issues list for those curious about new priorities. It's still only available on Windows, but Google is working on Mac OS X and Linux versions.

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Software Iklan Auto Submit

Software Iklan Baris Massal
Abacus24-7 Printer Ink, Cables, Batteries & Memory