The Blackberry Storm looks and sounds like a businessman’s dream, featuring almost real touch screen buttons, and according to a Youtube video I watched there is a docking station that turns it into an alarm clock while charging.
Some features:
* camera (don’t all smart phones have cameras?)
* Bluetooth
* Wi-fi
* music playback
* browser uses real HTML
* handles Blackberry mail
Now all that’s needed is Gmail on the Storm and some of the cool features it brings like the new ability to add gadgets like GCalendar and GDocs to Gmail’s left navigation area where you find Chat and Labels. How cool would it be if Blackberry and Google worked out a deal to get Android on a Blackberry? Maybe someone out there can customize Android for the Blackberry? I know the $10 million prize was for Homebrewed Android apps, but maybe some heavy-hitter in the Open Source community wouldn’t mind doing the legwork and I’d love a complimentary Storm on Android for authoring the idea… although I’m sure its either not too original or not possible so I probably won’t get one. Oh well, here’s a cool Backberry Storm video:

Friday, 31 October 2008
Blackberry Storm, get hit by the Storm!
Adds Calender & Doc Gadgets To Gmail
Gmail Labs has been a really fun way to easily try out new ideas and get some of our pet feature requests implemented quickly. We wanted to take this to the next level and let you start adding your own stuff to Gmail. Today we're launching a few Labs experiments that let you add gadgets to the left-nav, next to Chat and Labels.
To get you started, we've worked with the engineers from the Calendar and Docs teams on two highly requested features: a simple way to see your Google Calendar agenda and get an alert when you have a meeting, and a gadget that shows a list of your recently accessed Google Docs and lets you search across all of your documents right from within Gmail.
There's a third Lab that allows you to add any gadget by pasting in the URL of its XML spec file (e.g. We realize this isn't very user friendly right now; it's a sandbox mainly aimed at developers who want to play around with gadgets in Gmail. We're not tied to the left-nav as a primary way to extend Gmail -- in fact we think it is relatively limited and doesn't offer scalable real estate. There are also some downsides to the iframe-style Gadgets we're using today -- they can sometimes slow down the page. We're fanatical about speed, so we'll be keeping a close eye on performance.
This is also a chance for us to test the developer infrastructure involved. We're using common gadget infrastructure, such as the Apache Shindig project, and working with other gadget containers to make gadgets more portable.
We're looking forward to your comments in the Labs forum, so send us your ideas, let us know how you like the Calendar and Docs gadgets, and if you've written a gadget that you think works well in Gmail, post it and let us and other users try it out.
A couple of notes:
(1) Try out Anatol's Navbar drag and drop Labs feature so you can easily re-order all the boxes on Gmail's left hand side.
(2) Not all gadgets are fully compatible with https, so if you're connecting to Gmail via https, you may see mixed content warnings caused by parts of the gadgets being served over http. We're working on fixing this where we can.